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1) Surgical Case – Galileus Cerclage Sinus®

Revolutionary surgical technique, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®.

Welcome to the captivating story of the Calabrian Patient, the protagonist of a journey in search of the perfect solution for his smile. Hailing from Calabria, this patient embarked on a fascinating path of discovery involving our revolutionary surgical technique, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®.

Revolutionary surgical technique, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®.

Galileus Cerclage Sinus®

We are here to share the remarkable clinical journey of our esteemed patient, the “Patient from Calabria.” In search of innovative solutions, he became aware of our advanced surgical technique, the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®. This discerning aesthete, sensitive to aesthetics in every aspect of life, embarked on a journey in pursuit of a medical solution upon discovering he had a severe form of periodontal disease.

The situation was anything but straightforward: though he still had some mobile molars, periodontal disease had caused significant bone resorption in the posterior maxillary sinuses. Faced with a challenging decision, some professionals suggested autologous bone grafting followed by extensive bone exposure and subsequent reintegration into the maxillary sinuses. This path, however, required patience, with waiting times of over a year and a half and the use of a fixed dental prosthesis of the Toronto Bridge type in definitive composite, with the addition of a false gum.

Our patient, a determined aesthete, vehemently rejected this proposal, questioning whether, after all that grafting, there would be enough bone to create a harmonious denture. He strongly opposed the idea of a false gum. The doctor, explaining that bone resorption had compromised the necessary dimensions, indicated that the solution inevitably required this procedure.

A second option, involving maxillary sinus lifts, was discarded for the same reason. The patient insisted on a more aesthetic solution, even if it meant a higher financial investment. Another center proposed a more invasive approach, with immediate loading but requiring quad zygomatic implantology, involving four implants each of 4 centimeters, two per zygoma. This option was also rejected, given the expected outcome of a Toronto Bridge with a more prominent false gum.

The turning point came when the patient discovered our specialized center online, despite the distance from his residence in Calabria. Determined and confident in our approach, he sought guarantees that the information online was indeed truthful. Our response, strictly following protocols, was to schedule a first appointment for a specialist visit.

During the visit, the patient demonstrated having carefully studied all the online clinical cases, showing detailed knowledge of the pathologies and techniques used. This initial meeting reinforced our understanding of his specific interest in the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique, designed for atrophic cases of the upper maxilla with considerable bone resorption.

The subsequent specialist visit with Prof. Conte, supported by X-rays and computerized tomography, confirmed severe chronic periodontal disease with widespread bone resorption. Despite the atrophic situation, Prof. Conte reassured the patient, guaranteeing success both surgically and aesthetically.

The patient accepted the proposed surgical plan, which included the extraction of compromised teeth, complete cleansing, bone plastic surgery, and the insertion of 9 dental implants. During the procedure, a provisional prosthesis in definitive composite was applied to support aesthetics and chewing during the following 6 months of healing and osseointegration.

Subsequently, the patient returned to Padua for trials and customization of the ceramic dental prosthesis. The process, led by a master craftsman prosthetist, involved the patient in decisions about the size, shape, and color of the teeth. The journey culminated in the creation of a customized circular ceramic dental prosthesis.

The day before the final delivery, final trials were conducted to ensure optimal functionality and occlusion. Satisfied with the trials, the patient saw the fixed ceramic prosthesis mounted without a gum. The result was an aesthetic and functional smile without compromises.

The patient left the studio with a natural and satisfied smile. If you also place great importance on dental aesthetics and want a center that listens to your needs,

Contact us on WhatsApp at +39 3887527525

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