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Patient without bone: Extensive Maxillary Sinus Lifts

Galileus Cerclage Sinus®                                                           Extensive Maxillary Sinus Lifts


Large maxillary sinus lifts are often recommended for patients who have significant bone loss in the posterior part of the upper jaw. This procedure is appropriate when the alveolar ridge is insufficient to support dental implants, and the maxillary sinus has expanded due to the loss of teeth in the posterior area.

These patients may include:

  • Individuals with Posterior Tooth Loss: Recommended for those who have lost one or more teeth in the posterior part of the upper jaw, leading to the elevation of the sinus floor.
  • Severe Bone Atrophy in the Posterior Area: Patients with marked bone atrophy in the posterior region of the maxilla, making it challenging to directly place dental implants without a volume increase.
  • Insufficient Bone Height for Implantology: When the available bone height is inadequate to ensure stable anchoring of dental implants.
  • Planning for Replacement of Missing Molars: Indicated when the replacement of missing molars is necessary, but the amount of bone is insufficient without a maxillary sinus lift.
  • Patients with Sinus Expansion: When the elevation of the sinus floor has caused an expansion of the maxillary sinus cavity.
  • Preparation for Zygomatic Implantology: In some cases, a large maxillary sinus lift may be part of a broader preparation for the use of zygomatic implants.

The large maxillary sinus lift procedure is designed to provide sufficient bone foundation to support stable dental implants in the posterior part of the upper jaw. Evaluation by an oral surgeon is essential to determine if this procedure is suitable for the individual patient, considering overall health, specific needs, and patient expectations.

The procedure of large maxillary sinus lift, also known as “sinus lift” or “maxillary sinus augmentation,” is a surgical procedure performed to increase bone volume in the posterior part of the upper jaw, allowing for the stable placement of dental implants. Here is an overview of how the procedure is carried out:

Patient Preparation: Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a thorough evaluation, including radiographic examinations, analysis of oral health, and medical history.

Anesthesia: The oral surgeon administers local or general anesthesia to ensure that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure.

Gum Incision: An incision is made in the gum to expose the underlying bone in the area where the sinus lift is to be performed.

Access to the Maxillary Sinus: Once the area is exposed, a window is created in the maxillary bone to access the maxillary sinus.

Lifting the Sinus Floor: With the help of specific instruments, the sinus floor is gently lifted or pushed upward to create a space for grafting material.

Insertion of Grafting Material: Grafting material, often consisting of bone taken from the patient or alternative sources, is inserted into the created space to increase bone volume.

Closure of the Incision: After placing the grafting material, the incision is sutured. Sometimes, a covering material is also used to protect the area during the healing process.

Healing: The patient receives instructions for postoperative care to promote proper healing. The formation of new bone tissue will take time, usually several months, before dental implants can be inserted.

The large maxillary sinus lift procedure is a complex surgery that requires specific skills from the oral surgeon. The choice of grafting material and surgical technique may vary depending on the patient’s conditions and the preferences of the medical professional. Open collaboration between the patient and the surgeon is crucial to ensuring the success of the procedure and a complication-free recovery.

As with any surgical procedure, the large maxillary sinus lift involves some risks, and it is not possible to guarantee 100% success. It is important for patients to be fully informed about potential risks and be involved in the decision-making process. Here are some risks associated with this procedure:

Infection: There is a risk of infection, although it is relatively rare. The use of antibiotics prescribed by the surgeon can reduce this risk.

Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding may occur during or after the procedure. The surgeon will take measures to control bleeding during the operation.

Perforation of the Maxillary Sinus: There is a possibility of perforating the sinus membrane during the procedure. If this happens, corrective actions may be necessary.

Pain or Swelling: Pain and swelling are common after the procedure, but they are usually temporary and manageable with prescribed medications.

Graft Failure: Despite the surgeon’s efforts, the graft may not integrate correctly with the surrounding bone, leading to the failure of the procedure.

Need for Additional Interventions: In some cases, additional intervention may be necessary if complications arise or if the healing process requires corrections.

There are no absolute guarantees of success, but the oral surgeon will use their experience and expertise to minimize risks and maximize the chances of success. The patient’s collaboration in following postoperative instructions and attending follow-up visits is essential for optimal recovery.

Before undergoing the procedure, patients should thoroughly discuss with the oral surgeon the specific risks associated with their case and the preventive measures taken to mitigate these risks.

The large maxillary sinus lift, also known as “sinus lift,” primarily aims to increase bone volume in the posterior part of the upper jaw, specifically in the maxillary sinus area. The motivations and intent of this procedure are linked to creating a more favorable bone environment for the stable placement of dental implants. Here are the main motivations:

Insufficient Bone Mass: When a tooth is lost in the posterior part of the upper jaw, the bone volume in that area may decrease over time. The large lift is indicated when the available bone quantity is insufficient to support dental implants.

Preparation for Implantology: The main goal of the large lift is to prepare the area for the insertion of dental implants. Implants require an adequate bone substrate to ensure long-term stability and success.

Avoiding Contact with the Maxillary Sinus: Since the maxillary sinus can be positioned near the alveolar ridge in the posterior part of the upper jaw, the large lift helps move the sinus floor upward, avoiding contact with dental implants.

Improving Bone Quality: The grafting of bone material during the large lift contributes to improving bone quality, making it denser and more favorable for the integration of dental implants.

Restoring Chewing Function and Aesthetics: Restoring the correct bone anatomy in the maxillary sinus area allows for the restoration of chewing function and aesthetics, improving the patient’s quality of life.

Avoiding Complications: The large lift reduces the risk of complications such as perforation of the maxillary sinus membrane and contributes to creating a more favorable surgical environment.

In summary, the large maxillary sinus lift is a targeted intervention aimed at providing a sufficient and stable bone base for the placement of dental implants in the posterior part of the upper jaw. Its execution is motivated by the desire to ensure the long-term success of implants and improve the patient’s quality of life through proper chewing function and aesthetics.


In the event that a large maxillary sinus lift were to fail or if postoperative complications arise, the oral surgeon may need to address the situation through removal of the grafting material. This procedure may be necessary to prevent complications such as infections or other issues associated with the grafting material.

The graft removal process may include the following steps:

Assessment of the Situation: The surgeon will carefully examine the involved area to assess the presence of complications or signs of failure in the large maxillary sinus lift.

Decision on Removal: If significant issues are detected, the surgeon may decide to proceed with the removal of the grafting material to prevent potential complications.

Surgical Procedures: The removal of the grafting material may require specific surgical procedures to extract the tissue or previously grafted material.

Antibiotic Therapy: After removal, the patient may receive antibiotic therapy to prevent or treat any infections.

Follow-Up: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor healing and address any residual issues.

It is crucial to emphasize that situations like infections or failures of the large maxillary sinus lift are rare events, and prevention is a key element. Close collaboration with the oral surgeon, adherence to postoperative instructions, and follow-up visits are essential to promptly address any issues and ensure proper healing.


The approach with Galileus Cerclage Sinus® presents clear advantages compared to more invasive procedures such as the large maxillary sinus lift or autologous bone grafts. Some of these advantages include:

Less Invasiveness: Galileus Cerclage Sinus® offers a shorter and less invasive intervention compared to more complex procedures.

Risk Reduction: Avoiding more invasive procedures helps reduce the risks of infections, bleeding, and postoperative complications.

Potentially Faster Recovery: The shorter intervention may result in a potentially faster recovery period for the patient.

Less Postoperative Discomfort: The less invasive procedure might lead to less postoperative discomfort for the patient.

Preservation of Bone Tissue: Galileus Cerclage Sinus® is designed to preserve and utilize existing bone tissue, reducing the need for grafts from other sources.

Aesthetic and Functional Results: This method aims to provide desired aesthetic and functional results, contributing to the restoration of the correct anatomy and function of the area.

It is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of any procedure depends on the specific conditions of the patient. Before making decisions, it is crucial to consult with a specialized dental professional for a detailed evaluation of the case.


The fundamental intent from the early years, a solid 25 years ago, of Professor Roberto Conte was to study an alternative technique to autologous bone grafts and large maxillary sinus lifts. This approach was developed with the aim of steering patients away from the significant risks and invasive, lengthy, painful, and uncertain success procedures that characterize these surgical techniques.

The Galileus Cerclage Sinus®, born as a hope, is now a established and predictable reality with thousands of successful cases recorded in over 25 years of practice. The first Galileus Cerclage Sinus® procedure was performed in 1999 in Professor Roberto Conte’s office. A patient who underwent this procedure, now in their seventies, continues to enjoy excellent health, with implants and masticatory function in full efficiency without any issues.

Therefore, if you are a patient with bone deficiency in the posterior areas of the maxilla, it is advisable to explore the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique before considering autologous bone grafts or large maxillary sinus lifts. This technique has proven to provide remarkable satisfaction while avoiding significant health risks. Compared to other techniques, it emerges as a superior solution that also offers exceptional aesthetic results.

For further information, you can send a message via WhatsApp to +39 388 7527525. We will respond within 24 hours to provide you with all the information you need.

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