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Patient without bone: Autologous Bone Grafts

Galileus Cerclage Sinus®                                         Autologous Bone Grafts



Autologous bone grafting is indicated for patients who have a significant deficiency in bone mass and require volumetric augmentation to support dental implants. Here are some situations in which it might be considered appropriate:

Severe Bone Atrophy: Patients with severe loss of bone volume due to factors such as dental extractions, periodontal diseases, or trauma.

Previous Failures: Patients who have undergone previous attempts at dental implants without success or with complications leading to bone loss.

Alveolar Ridge Recession: When the alveolar ridge has receded due to tooth loss, grafting may be necessary to restore bone volume.

Preparation for Dental Implants: Patients in need of dental implants, but the quantity or quality of existing bone is insufficient for stable anchoring.

Osseous Malformations or Defects: Indicated for correcting congenital malformations or bone defects affecting function and aesthetics.

Complex Healing Processes: Patients with medical conditions that could compromise the healing process may benefit from autologous bone use.

Specific Aesthetic Needs: In situations where achieving a particularly accurate aesthetic result is necessary, such as in patients requiring implants in the anterior upper jaw.

Personalized Evaluation: The decision to use autologous bone grafting is always based on a personalized evaluation of the case by the oral surgeon, considering the patient’s overall health and other factors.

It is important to emphasize that, despite its beneficial applications, autologous bone grafting comes with some complications and may require longer healing times compared to more modern techniques like the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®. Therefore, the choice of the procedure should be based on the specific needs of the patient and the recommendations of the medical professional.


The autograft bone insertion is a surgical procedure used to increase bone mass in areas where it is insufficient to support dental implants. Here is an overview of the procedures and various anatomical components involved:

Autograft Bone Insertion Procedure:

Patient Evaluation: The patient undergoes a thorough evaluation, including X-rays and computerized tomography, to assess the quantity and quality of available bone.

Choice of Donor Site: Commonly used autologous donor sites include: – Iliac Crest: Upper part of the hip. – Mandibular Ramus: Lower part of the jaw. – Maxillary Tuberosity: Area behind the last molars.

Donor Site Preparation: The donor area is surgically prepared. For example, in the case of the iliac crest, this may involve a small incision in the upper part of the hip.

Bone Harvesting: The bone is carefully harvested from the donor site. In the case of the iliac crest, small blocks of bone are harvested using specialized equipment.

Recipient Site Preparation: The area where bone mass is to be increased, often in the jaw or mandible, is surgically prepared, creating a pocket or cavity for graft insertion.

Graft Insertion: The harvested bone is then placed in the prepared area, secured with screws or other fixation devices.

Healing and Integration: The healing process and integration of the graft into the surrounding bone take time, during which the patient is closely monitored.

Next Phase (if necessary): After the completion of the healing process, dental implants can be inserted into the now reinforced area.

Important Considerations:

Treatment Success: The success of the procedure depends on the patient’s overall health, proper preoperative assessment, and postoperative care.

Potential Complications: Possible complications include pain, swelling, infections, and, in rare cases, graft rejection.

Alternatives: Modern techniques, such as the Galileus Cerclage Sinus®, aim to avoid or reduce the need for autologous bone grafts, offering less invasive solutions.

It is essential for the patient to thoroughly discuss with their oral surgeon and follow postoperative instructions to maximize treatment success.


The autograft bone insertion procedure carries some risks, as with any surgical intervention. It is important to be aware of these risks before making a decision. Here are some of the risks associated with this procedure:

Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection in the bone harvest or recipient site.

Bleeding and Hematoma: Bleeding and the collection of blood under the skin (hematoma) can occur in the involved areas during the procedure.

Pain and Swelling: After surgery, it is common to experience pain and swelling in both the donor and recipient areas.

Donor Site Issues: If the bone is harvested from an area such as the iliac crest, issues in the donor site may arise, such as persistent pain or changes in sensation.

Healing Insufficiency: In some situations, the graft may not heal properly or may not fully integrate with the surrounding bone.

Anesthetic Risks: The use of anesthesia always carries some risks, although they are generally low.

Long-term Complications: Long-term complications may include the potential need for subsequent interventions or the risk of compromising overall dental health.

It is crucial to discuss these risks with the oral surgeon before the procedure and understand the preventive measures taken to reduce the likelihood of complications. In some cases, less invasive alternatives such as the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® may be considered to minimize risks and enhance patient comfort.


Unfortunately, if the bone graft is unsuccessful, several complications and considerations may arise:

Inadequate Healing: If the graft does not heal properly, a lack of integration with the surrounding bone may occur.

Need for Removal: In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the unsuccessful graft to prevent infections or other complications.

Removal Techniques: The technique for removing the remaining bone will depend on its location and the amount involved. Surgically removing the unhealed portion may be necessary.

Infection Risks: The treated area, especially if part of the graft has been removed, may be susceptible to infections.

Future Considerations: The patient may need to wait for a healing period before considering further interventions. The possibility of undergoing a new procedure will depend on the individual conditions of the patient.

Surgeon’s Evaluation: After the graft failure, the surgeon will carefully assess the conditions and discuss future options with the patient.

Prosthetic Alternatives: If the graft fails, the patient may be directed towards prosthetic alternatives such as removable dentures or other solutions that do not require significant bone support.

It is important to emphasize that each situation is unique, and future decisions will depend on the specific circumstances of the patient. Open communication with the oral surgeon is essential to fully understand the available options and plan the most suitable path for the restoration of masticatory function and aesthetics.

La scelta tra l’innesto d’osso autologo e tecniche chirurgiche moderne come il Galileus Cerclage Sinus® dipende dalle condizioni specifiche del paziente, dalle preferenze individuali e dalle indicazioni del professionista medico. Ecco alcune considerazioni che possono influenzare la decisione:

  • Minima Invasività:
    • Il Galileus Cerclage Sinus® è progettato per essere una procedura minimamente invasiva, riducendo al minimo l’intervento chirurgico e accelerando i tempi di guarigione.
  • Evitare il Prelievo Osseo Aggiuntivo:
    • Con l’innesto d’osso autologo, è necessario prelevare osso da altre parti del corpo del paziente. Il Galileus Cerclage Sinus® cerca di evitare questa procedura, offrendo un’alternativa meno invasiva.
  • Velocità di Recupero:
    • Le tecniche moderne come il Galileus Cerclage Sinus® possono consentire un recupero più rapido rispetto agli innesti ossei tradizionali, riducendo i tempi di guarigione.
  • Complicazioni Potenziali:
    • L’innesto d’osso autologo può comportare rischi specifici legati al prelievo dell’osso. Le tecniche moderne cercano di ridurre alcune di queste complicazioni.
  • Valutazione del Chirurgo:
    • La scelta della procedura dipende dalla valutazione del chirurgo in base alle condizioni individuali del paziente e alla complessità del caso.
  • Successo dell’Intervento:
    • La letteratura scientifica indica che il Galileus Cerclage Sinus® ha mostrato buoni tassi di successo e stabilità a lungo termine.
  • Preferenze del Paziente:
    • Le preferenze del paziente sono cruciali. Alcuni pazienti potrebbero preferire un approccio meno invasivo e più rapido, mentre altri potrebbero essere più disposti a considerare l’innesto osseo autologo.

In definitiva, la decisione deve essere presa in consultazione con il chirurgo orale, il quale valuterà attentamente le circostanze individuali del paziente e fornirà raccomandazioni basate sulle esigenze specifiche.


The fundamental intent from the early years, a solid 25 years ago, of Professor Roberto Conte was to study an alternative technique to autologous bone grafts and large maxillary sinus lifts. This approach was developed with the aim of steering patients away from the significant risks and invasive, lengthy, painful, and uncertain success procedures that characterize these surgical techniques.

The Galileus Cerclage Sinus®, born as a hope, is now a established and predictable reality with thousands of successful cases recorded in over 25 years of practice. The first Galileus Cerclage Sinus® procedure was performed in 1999 in Professor Roberto Conte’s office. A patient who underwent this procedure, now in their seventies, continues to enjoy excellent health, with implants and masticatory function in full efficiency without any issues.

Therefore, if you are a patient with bone deficiency in the posterior areas of the maxilla, it is advisable to explore the Galileus Cerclage Sinus® technique before considering autologous bone grafts or large maxillary sinus lifts. This technique has proven to provide remarkable satisfaction while avoiding significant health risks. Compared to other techniques, it emerges as a superior solution that also offers exceptional aesthetic results.

For further information, you can send a message via WhatsApp to +39 388 7527525. We will respond within 24 hours to provide you with all the information you need.

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